The Green Valley Gardeners

What We Do

Weekly Gardening Seminars
Free and open to the public, seminars are scheduled September through April on Thursday mornings from 9:30 to 10:30. These are informal sessions covering citrus, roses, annual and perennial plants, vegetable gardening, irrigation, pruning, etc. presented by horticulturalists, authors, master gardeners, and growers from throughout the area. Experts are always on hand to answer gardening questions. For details, see Seminars.

Cactus & Succulent Sales
Club members organize these sales annually in March and October at Continental Shopping Plaza. These months are optimum times for installing new plants in the desert, so sales are always brisk. See "Events" for the next sale date.

The Annual Green Valley Garden Tour
A major fundraiser, the tour was begun in 1981 and has become a well-attended community event each April. Tickets are sold for self-guided tours of several carefully selected gardens in our area. See "Events" for information.

Adopt a Median
Members volunteer care for the median along La Cañada, north of Continental Road. Look for our sign.

Casa de Esperanza & Casa de Los Niños
In 2011-2012, working with the management of Casa de Esperanza, we designed and implemented a multi-sensory, therapeutic, and multi-generational garden for the participants of the Adult Day Health Care program, Senior Lunch program, and Pre-school and Child Care program. We now maintain the "Memory Garden" with new plants that stimulate sight, smell and touch. Several overgrown myrtles were creatively pruned into a bushy "caterpillar" for the children to giggle over. Decomposed granite garden pathways now meander to a patio seating area with a replanted raised bed and a near-by picnic table. Overgrown bushes and trees have been dealt with or replaced with new plantings. Vegetable/flower gardens in playgrounds are being cultivated by our volunteers with the children's help to promote educational gardening and nutritional experiences.

The Historic Hacienda de la Cañoa
To view a list of tours and other activities sponsored by Pima County Parks and Recreation at The Historic Hacienda de la Cañoa (a.k.a. 'Historic Canoa Ranch') which is maintained and improved by GVG volunteers on regularly scheduled 'work days', click: Cañoa Ranch Flyer.
The Historic Rancho de la Cañoa: Presentation  and  Handout.